Country: Lesotho
Program: Education
Job Title: Teacher Training Resource Teacher (AA170)
Orientation Dates: November 10-12, 2008
Pre-Service Training: November 14, 2008- January 8, 2009
Dates of Service: January 10, 2009- January 9, 2011
Kliping Tentang Jegiatan Ekonomi
Entah kita sadar atau tidak bahwa setiap aktivitas yang kita lakukan selalu
berkaitan dengan kegiatan ekonomi. Manusia mempunyai beragam kebutuhan
3 years ago
Congratulations Nicole!!! I just read through all your blogs to catch up on all your plans. I love it! I really want to hear like...everything...about everything. haha I hope to get up to NH to camp with you guys next weekend.
And thank you SO much for your comment on my blog, I had no idea that that is exactly what I needed to hear! You made me feel so much better about the whole situation, or lack thereof, that I am in right now.
I can't wait to read blogs from Africa!
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