Sooo, the November staging dates are quickly approaching (check out the staging timeline at The rule is that your invitation to serve can be recieved as early as 6 months prior to departure, and as late as 6 weeks prior. 6 weeks before the first November staging date to Kenya is 7 business days from today. I have been medically cleared for a very long time and seriously thought I would have been one of the luckier nominees- one who knows where they're going by now. I'm nervous because a lot of the September nominees got pushed back to October and some even as late as next Spring, due to budget cuts and whatnot. The good news is that I've corresponded with a handful of other November hopefuls who are in the same boat. "Misey loves company," indeed.
In more exciting news, I am taking a 2 week vacation to Guyana (South America) on September 24th. My good friend, Kien, is currently serving in the Peace Corps there as an Environmental Educator with a company called Conservation International. Google it; they have an awesome website. Also Google Guyana; they have an awesome jungle :)
For the time being I've been 'sitting the kiddo's in Merrimac in the afternoons and substituting at Atkinson Academy. Elementary is far easier than middle school- who knew!?
Check back soon! And if you get bored click on my cousin Patrick's link over there to the right and read about his new life in JAPAN! <3
Kliping Tentang Jegiatan Ekonomi
Entah kita sadar atau tidak bahwa setiap aktivitas yang kita lakukan selalu
berkaitan dengan kegiatan ekonomi. Manusia mempunyai beragam kebutuhan
3 years ago